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Part 3- Lists
List is a simple data structure and it is a sequence of any number if items. List is a structure with a special name: ".".
- List notation:
[ala] [ala,narty,ksiazki] [head,tail] [a,V,1,[c,s],p(X)] [1,2,3,4]
Task 1: Try each command in the query mode.
[1,2,3,4] = [1|[2,3,4]]. [1,2,3,4] = [1,2|[3,4]]. [1,2,3,4] = [1,2,3|[4]]. [1,2,3,4] = [1,2,3,4,[]]. [1,2,3,4] = [1|2,3,4]. [Head|Tail] = [1,2,3,4]. [Head|Tail] = [[1,1,ala],2,3,4]. [Head|Tail] = [X+Y,x+y]. p([_,_,_,[_|X]]) = p([alice, habe, very, [small, white, cat]]). [a,[]] = [A,B|Rest]. [One] = [two|[]].
Basic operations on lists
means X is an object and L is a List. The goal is true if X occurs in L, e.g. member(b,[a,b,c])
- A program for membership could be written:
my_member(X,[X|_]). my_member(X,[_|Tail]) :- my_member(X,Tail).
Task 2: Try each command in the question mode.
my_member(a,[b,c,[s,a],a]). my_member(a,[b,c,[s,a]]). my_member([s,a],[b,c,[s,a]]). my_member(X,[a,b,c]). my_member(a, X).
Build in clause for testing membership is member/2
means L1 , L2, L3 are lists. The goal is true if L3 is the list containing elements of L1 and L2, e.g. conc([a,b],[1,2,3],[a,b,1,2,3])
- A program for concatenation could be written:
conc([],L,L). conc([X|L1],L2,[X|L3]) :- conc(L1,L2,L3).
Task 3: Try each command in the query mode.
conc([b,c,[s,a],a],[a],X). conc([a],[b],[a,b]). conc(L1,L2,[b,c,[s,a]]). conc(Before, [may|After], [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec])
Build in clause for testing membership is append/3
Is is simple the operation [X|L], where X is an element added to the list L.
del(X,L1, L2)
means X is an object L1 , L2 are lists. The goal is true if L3 is the list containing elements of L2 except X, e.g. del(1,[1,2,3],[2,3])
- A program for deleting the item could be written:
del(X,[X|L1],L1). del(X,[Y|L2],[Y|L3]) :- del(X,L2,L3).
Task 4: Try each command in the query mode.
del(a,[s,a],X). del(a,[a,b,a,a],X). del(a,X,[b,c,d]). del(X,[a,b,d,c],[a,d,c]).
Build in clause for testing membership is select/3 and delete/3. Try and find the difference
Other build in operators
Ask about build in clauses for lists:
Tasks on lists
1. Define the caluse which prints all months prior and after the given month. Use the build in relation append/3. For example the true is obtained:
months(march,[january, february],[april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december])
2. Define a caluse which prints one month prior and one month after the given month. Use the build in relation append/3. For example the true is obtained:
months2(march, fabruary, april).
3. For a given list print out only three elements from the beginning. Use the build in relation append/3. For example the true is obtained:
list3b( [a,b,c], [a,b,c,w,e,r])
4. For a given list print out only three elements from the end. Use the build in relation append/3. For example the true is obtained:
list3e( [w,e,r], [a,b,c,w,e,r])
5. Define a relation that checks if the object X is the element of the list L using a build-in relation append/3. For example the true is obtained:
my_member2( w, [a,b,c,w,e,r])
6. Define relations even/1 and odd/1 that checks if the list L contains even or odd number of elements. For example the true is obtained:
even( [a,b,c,w,e,r]). odd( [1]). even([]).
7. Define a relation my_reverse/2 that reverse the given list L to a list L1. For example the true is obtained:
my_reverse( [a,b,c,w,e,r], [r,e,w,c,b,a]).
8. Define a relation shift/2 that move the first element of the given list L to a last position and resulted list is L2. For example the true is obtained:
shift( [a,b,c,w,e,r], [b,c,w,e,r,a]).
9. Define a relation translate/2 that translate every number of the given list L into the word in the list L2. For example the true is obtained:
translate( [2,4,1], [two, four, one]).
10. Define a relation max_list/2 that find the maximum number X in the given list L. For example the true is obtained:
max_list( [2,4,1], 4).
11. Define a relation sum_list/2 that find the total sum X of all numbers in the given list L. For example the true is obtained:
sum_list( [2,4,1], 7).
12. Define a relation incresing/1 that checks if elements of L are in increasing order. For example the true is obtained:
increasing( [1,2,4,25]).
13. Define a relation find_last/2 that checks if an element X is the last element of L. For example the true is obtained:
find_last( 25, [1,2,4,25]).
14. Define a relation find_lastbutone/2 that checks if an element X is the last but one element of L. For example the true is obtained:
find_lastbutone(4, [1,2,4,25]).
15. Define a relation kthelement/3 that checks if an element X is the K-th element of list L. For example the true is obtained:
kthelement(b,2, [a,b,c,d]).